Awarded "New Technology of the Year" in Sports Medicine

Can you have physical therapy for your ankle?

Can you have physical therapy for your ankle?

You ask, we answer! 

Question: Can you have physical therapy for your ankle?

There are thousands of ankle injuries every day. Posture Restoration Therapist, Airrosti Therapist, Trigger Point Therapist, Physical Therapist, Athletic Trainers, are some of the medical professionals that will help in the rehab of your ankles.

Some of these professionals will ask that you come to their clinic, training room, some will care for you in your home. We suggest you compliment these professionals skills by wearing Pro Taco Ankle for the general population, and T:25 Ankles for athletes.

The professionals can help restore your range or motion and balance, wearing Pro Taco or T:25 Ankles activates the muscles the Lord gave us to stabilize / protect your ankle from recurrent injury.

Transition back into activity or sport wearing these products and continue to wear them for the next 4 to 6 months, your ankles will get and stay healthy.

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  • Joanna Ata

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